Uses and features The machine is mainly suitable for cutting one layer or layers of leather, rubber, plastic, paper-board, fabric, chemical fiber, non-woven and other materials with shaped blade. 1. Kuve nekugadzira chimiro cheGantry Chimiro, saka muchina une huwandu hwakanyanya uye chengetedza chimiro chayo. 2. Musoro wezima unogona otomatiki kufambisa zvakanyanya, saka munda wekuona wakakwana uye kushanda kwakachengeteka. 3. Return stroke of the platen can be set arbitrarily to reduce idle stroke and improv...
Muchina wacho unoshandiswa kucheka dehwe, rabha, plastiki, jira, chipanje, kemishini ine midziyo yakavezwa rubber and other industries. 1. Use the structure of double cylinder and precise four-column automatic balancing links to ensure same cutting depth in every cutting region. 2. The upper and lower plates can move parallel from back to forth so t...
Muchina wacho unoshandiswa kucheka dehwe, rabha, plastiki, jira, chipanje, kemishini ine midziyo yakavezwa rubber and other industries. 1. Use the structure of double cylinder and precise four-column automatic balancing links to ensure same cutting depth in every cutting region. 2. The upper and lower plates can move parallel from back to forth so t...
Hydraulic inodzosera musoro kufa kucheka muchina 1.Iyo ndeyekucheka zvinotevera zvinhu: Rubber, Foam, Cork, Cork, Cork the material in place, avoiding any shifting problems. 3.The Hydraulic Receding Head Die Cutting Press is simple to use with minimum fatigue for the operator. With easy material loading, quick job change and fast cutting operation, maximum productivity is achi...
Inoshandisa uye Zvinyorwa: 1. Muchina unoshanda kune mafekitori hombe kushandisa blade kuenderera mberi nekucheka kwesimbi sekapeti, dehwe, jira, mucheka, mucheka uye zvichingodaro. 2. PLC is equipped for conveyor system. Servo motor drives materials to come in from one side of the machine; after being cut the materials are delivered from the other side for an accurate material conveying action and a smooth operation. Conveyor length can be easily adjusted by the touch s...
Uses And Features The machine is mainly suitable for cutting one layer or layers of leather, rubber, plastic, paper-board, fabric, chemical fibre, non-woven and other materials with shaped blade. 1. Kuve nekugadzira chimiro cheGantry Chimiro, saka muchina une huwandu hwakanyanya uye chengetedza chimiro chayo. 2. Musoro wezima unogona otomatiki kufambisa zvakanyanya, saka munda wekuona wakakwana uye kushanda kwakachengeteka. 3. Return stroke of the platen can be set arbitrarily to reduce idle stroke and improve eff...
Inoshandisa uye Zvinyorwa: 1. Muchina unoshanda kune mafekitori hombe kushandisa blade kuenderera mberi nekucheka kwesimbi sekapeti, dehwe, jira, mucheka, mucheka uye zvichingodaro. 2. PLC is equipped for conveyor system. Servo motor drives materials to come in from one side of the machine; after being cut the materials are delivered from the other side for an accurate material conveying action and a smooth operation. Conveyor length can be easily adjusted by the touch s...
Inoshandisa uye inoratidzira muchina unonyanya kukodzera kucheka zvisingaonekwe seganda, mapurasitiki, rubber, canlvas, kirabhu, kadhibhodi dzakasiyana-siyana. 1. The principal axis is adopted automatic lubricating system which supplies oil to prolong the service life of the machine. 2. Operate by both hands, which is safe and reliable. 3. The area of cutting pressure board is large to cut large-sized materials. 4. The depth of cutting power is set to be simple and accurate. 5. Th...
QIANGCHENG yakazara musoro bhezheni dife cutting michina yekucheka shandisa yakakura yekucheka, iyo yakanyanya kufa yakakura seyakakura seyekucheka. So Gerson full beam die cutting presses are widely used when high cutting power & when large or multiple shape dies are used. The following material soft and semi-rigid material can be used for die cutting : Leather: leathergoods ,shoe uppers, wallets, purses, belts,shoes, insoles, insole socks, uppers, straps Paper: stationery, novelties, filters, labels,Insulation ...