Suitable for single or multiple layers of leather, rubber, plastic, cloth, sponge, nylon, artificial leather, PVC board, cutting non-woven material, especially suitable for wide format, a blanking roll material; Kunyanya mitemo yekucheka, diki kufa, huwandu hwakawanda hwezvikamu zvakakosha zvinoshanda senhabvu, volleyball, tenisi, kucheka discs.
The 35T Four-Pillared Smooth Hydraulic Plastic Die Cutting Machine is used to cut leather, rubber, plastic, paperboard, cloth, sponge, nylon, imitation leather, PVC board and other materials with shaped die cuter in processing leather, producing cloth, case and Bhegi, package, matoyi, stationery, mota uye mamwe maindasitiri.
Muchina uyu unonyanya kushandiswa pakucheka kwezvinhu zvizere kana hafu-akacheka pepa zvinhu, PVC mapurasitiki ezvematanda ehudyu, zvinyorwa zvemitambo, rubber nezvimwe zvinhu zvemagetsi. It is a small equipment specially designed for processing sheet stickers, mobile phone stickers, stickers, photos, etc.